The Silver Bayonets

Kabir and Malcolm (formerly of Run Don't Walk), together with drummer Brandon, have formed a new band, The Silver Bayonets. I went to shoot their debut gig last weekend and while I was there, tried some promo shots too.

A Silent Film

Last time I shot Oxford band A Silent Film was 2 years ago when they came back from America (where they are spending most of their time) to grace the stage of The Borderline. This time they filled out The Barfly and it was magical!


Back in June I shot Bleech's album launch gig at The Borderline for The Girls Are... It was hot, it was sweaty and I walked out with a migraine from hell! This should in no way reflect badly on the band, I have been suffering from migraines since I was 7 years old, this one just hit me at a really bad time.


Remember Kolo, the band I did a promo shoot with in the shower cubicles of an abandoned school? No?! Well here is a reminder

Anyway, I went to shoot their gig at the Dublin Castle in May.


When I got to the Buffalo Bar, I was surprised to see Richard (guitarist in The Voyeurist) there. Turns out he had joined Dogfeet as a drummer. Interesting!

Zoetrope at The Buffalo Bar

I have to do some serious catching up, I haven't written a Blog or uploaded anything in 3 month. The gig that zapped me of all my will was Zoetrope at The Buffalo Bar, which I was suppose to shoot for The Girls Are...

I was suppose to do a couple of portraits as well as shoot their gig for publication, so I got there a bit earlier, met and hang out with the band for a while and looked for a suitable place to try for some portraits. I got the band to sit down, got my camera out and switched it on. Well, I tried to switch it on but nothing happened. Then it dawned on me, I had left my battery in the charger at home. In 4 years of shooting, this had never happened to me before and I was not happy.

As a joke I suggested I use my phone to take a portrait shot, you know, be all trendy. This is the resulting photo:

As luck would have it, I knew that Neil was coming to the gig, who shoots with the same camera as me. The band texted him for me asking if he'd be able to lend me a spare battery. Thank you very much to him for saving the day!

But the disaster of an evening didn't stop there, oh no! The night was running so late, that by the time Zoetrope took to the stage, I had just about time to shoot 2 songs before I had to run out to catch my last train.

Since then, I have been shooting very little and had no desire to share any pictures online but I guess I'm over it now :) .

50ft Woman

Ex Run Don't Walk front man Kabir has joined 50ft Woman as a guitar player, so I went along to their gig at The Workshop and took some live pictures of their new line-up.