
I decided it was time to step out of the comfort zone and try and do something totally different. So when a fellow music photographer told me about the photowalk he was organizing, I decided to give it a go.
First hurdle was to decide what lens/lenses to take. Do I take only one and give myself a challenge (on top of doing something completely different), or do I take a collection of my prime lenses and carry the big camera bag around East London for a couple of hours? Seeing as I was going to have enough of a challenge trying to take pictures as it was, I decided to carry the big bag. I took:

16-35mm 2.8
35mm 1.4
50mm 1.4
85mm 1.4
In my defence, I used every single lens at least once!

It was great to see Sime and Solonge again and meet all the others who joint the walk. I really enjoyed the whole experience and I will definitely do it again (I need the practice!). Actually my exact words when I came back home: “That was fun, but my God am I rubbish!” :(

There are many more on my Flickr, if you are really that interested.


Sime said...

It was very nice of you to come! :-)